Short Introduction
Research Interests ´
- Inverse Problems
- Regularization Theory
- Analytic Number Theory
All publications as BibTeX-file: bibtex
Conferences and Workshops
- 9th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modelling And Simulation, talk (slides), Paradise Bay Hotel, Malta, 21-25 May 2018
- CMStatistics2017, talk (slides), Senate House, University of London, 16-18 December 2017
- IMA Conference on Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, talk (for slides see Malta, above), Centre for Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, 19-21 September 2017
- Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic, Goettingen, 10 Februar - 14 Februar 2014
- Winter term 2013/2014: Analysis I, tutor
- Summer term 2012: Analysis I summer course, tutor
- Winter term 2011/2012: Analytic Geometry and Linear Algebra I, tutor